Wednesday, December 8, 2010


She was small in stature, but mighty and determined in spirit. She had three priorities: God, family, and country.

Like her mother before her, Evangeline Buchert loved taking something old and seemingly useless — like an old chair, or an old empty shell of a house in Wauconda, and bring new life to it. This restored house became their mountain ranch and home. It was wonderful having them just a field away.

But even more important than that, I got to spend many hours sitting somewhere in a truck with her, waiting for cowboys to finish the job at hand.

Evangeline and I spent a lot of that time talking, praying, and laughing. She would share a concern with me, and I would tell her that “Jesus is the answer!” We would pray about it, and along the way her faith and trust in God grew.

Evangeline loved her family — her kids and her grand kids. Her home, where ever it was, always had lots of pictures of her loved ones and friends.

I remember after “mom and dad” were living at Wauconda, that Okanogan County changed the name of our road from Summer Road to Cemetery Road. None of us liked that at all! We didn’t want to have “cemetery” in our address! So Evangeline fought and won! It is still “Summer Road” today, with an extra sign that points up the road toward the cemetery. She knew how to take the bull by the horns!

Evangeline was always ready to have family or friends over to visit. And she could be dressed and busy at ranch work, and that evening be all dressed up and ready for whatever the occasion. And she was always ready to be swept off her feet by her husband, friend, and lover, and dance around in Ed's arms to their own music.

What a wonderful lady! She was my dear friend, and adopted mom. She raised four great, loving children, who have always made me feel welcome, loved, and part of the family.

As Ed and Evangeline’s family multiplied, so did their love — NO DIVISION there!

They will be remembered “together” once again, just like they always were!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Do you have a mom? Oh, of course you do. Everyone does! At least that’s what I thought when I was young.

My world was so small and cozy . . . not a care or a fear.

I remember my mom . . . the gentle touch of her hand, the softness of her voice as she read me story after story. Milk toast when I didn’t feel good. (Does anyone remember milk toast?)

I still remember how it felt when she tucked me into bed each night. The prayers . . . yes, she prayed over me when she tucked me into bed. She prayed for all of my hurts, big and not so big.

I remember the effortless way she told me about JESUS. She wove Him into my heart with fine, beautiful threads . . . threads so strong and tight and full of His love for me. And the knowledge that He would always be there with me no matter what! No fear . . . only love and trust. . .

Then I grew up. I found out that not very many people had a mom like mine, who was loving and kind, with beautiful threads, shiny and tight. Their lives were woven with broken threads all rotten and loose. Unable to love and trust . . . with lives filled with hate and fear.

Lord, please help me to show someone the way to Your great sheltering arms and heart so full of love, grace and trust.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Grandmothers! I was blessed with more than my share of them, at least if you compare mine with someone who only had one or maybe none.

My Brothers Three and Me, loved to go to “BIG” grandma’s house. Why “BIG” you ask? Well, she was tall . . . compared to “LITTLE” grandma who was short! “LITTLE” grandma was only, maybe, four foot eight or nine inches tall (or should I say short). And only about ninety pounds. “BIG” grandma was about five feet five inches and . . . ? . . . pounds.

Well, anyway . . . we lived a ways away from “BIG” grandma’s house, but not so far that we couldn’t walk there, or ride our bikes. We would go down the hill on Piccadilly Street, (I like that name!) Over the railroad tracks, past the house with the two Great Danes, and into the woods. I can remember running as fast as I could while hollering to my Brothers Three to wait for Me! I didn’t want to go past the railroad tracks alone, or past those big barking dogs! Not to mention the occasional hobo, that was waiting to hop a freight train.

So, safe and sound in the woods at last. This was our favorite place to play all kinds of wild and adventurous make-believe games. Oh, yes, back on the trail to “BIG” grandma’s house. The next obstacle was a large old log that made a perfect bridge to cross the most wonderful creek that any kid would love to play in. Then we wound our way through the trees, ferns and other bushes on a wonderful path that came out in grandma’s back yard.

One of us would telephone mom, so she would know that we made it to grandma’s safe. My grand-kids would be asking me if there really were telephones way back then! We couldn’t stuff them in our pocket and go, but we had ‘em, party lines and all! What’s a party line? Well that’s another story!

“BIG” grandma would give us all hugs and kisses and set us down to milk and cookies, cake, or something wonderful from her bountiful kitchen.
We never knew what lay in store for us there! It could be picking raspberries, blackberries or just playing in grandma’s yard, or in our wonderful “woods”.

Then at supper time, mom and dad would show up and we would enjoy some of “BIG” grandma’s good cooking! Yummy!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Memories of Easter . . .

Easter is a wonderful holiday.  When I was young, all of us kids loved seeing the new babies that Spring brings. We enjoyed all of the beautiful Spring flowers and blossoms on the many fruit trees, around the neighborhood and in our own yards.

I remember my new Easter outfit! It wasn’t just a new dress . . .  it included a hat or something special for my hair, gloves and purse, and of course, pretty new “Sunday School” shoes.

There were Easter Baskets full of that wonderful green grass and . . . oh yes . . . lots of candy and chocolate eggs nestled under and through the grass. And on top of all of that . . . a big chocolate bunny and some fuzzy little yellow chicks. And of course we always had marshmallow Peeps. Yummy.

Our family Easter egg hunt was always lots of fun. Our parents, aunts, and uncles would make us kids stay inside the house, while they hid the eggs! Then we would all be turned loose to find the eggs! It was great!

Of course, before all of the fun at Grandma’s house, we had all been to our Sunday School and Church services.

Then came dinner time! Big family dinners at Grandma’s house were always wonderful, with way more food than anyone could eat! Lots of family, lots of cousins. Did I say lots of food? And Grandma’s HOT CROSS BUNS!  We only had them on Easter. Big fluffy buns with a white frosting “cross” on top of each one of them, remembering the Cross where our Lord and Savior, Jesus, shed His precious blood for all the sin of the world.

But, more than that . . . He died for ME! Jesus loves ME! The pure, wonderful love that comes with forgiveness and grace . . . the LOVE that gives us HOPE for now and eternity. Join your heart, with mine, in thankfulness to Jesus, because He died for us on Calvary, and rose again on that beautiful Easter morning.

Thank you Jesus! You are the BEST!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dan & Marty Womack in Ministry

Yesterday - Memories - Remembering . . .

I am a wife, mom, and grandma.  I grew up with so much security
. . . the love and protection of my mom and dad, two grandmas , one grandfather, one great grandfather, and one great grandmother.  Lots of aunties, uncles and cousins!  And oh yes!  I have three brothers!  Did I mention that I am a sister . . . more commonly known as "SIS".  One brother older, two younger, and ME in the middle.  Brothers Three and Me.  Lucky for me, there was the "keep your hands to yourself" rule.  I was well equipted with my "BIG" little girl SCREAM.  If I thought anything was going to hurt ME . . . you guessed it . . . I  would  SCREAM.
But what really made my childhood and adulthood (is that a word?) safe and sound was/is my relationship with Jesus my Lord!

Come to Marty's Corner again, for the next installment.

Monday, March 29, 2010

No Map's Art Shop

We'll work on making this page a whole lot better . . . but here's just a very short sample of the kind of things that Dan Womack creates.


November 23, 2014

Make yourself comfortable and wander around our website, as we introduce ourselves to you.

After 50 years of full-time ministry . . . traveling across the country in our tour bus for over 30 of those years, and pastoring here and there the rest of the time . . . We are now retired.  Sort of.  We sold our sound system, and parked the bus.

Over the past three of four years, our primitive mountain cabin has been torn down and rebuilt new.  The new version actually has a foundation, insulation, electricity, in-door plumbing, running hot and cold water, a shower, a washer and dryer, a refrigerator, and a flat-screen TV.  Hey . . . the old cabin had no insulation, no foundation, kerosene lamps, and an outhouse with a path!  We've actually got a great new woodshed, a new storage shed, and getting ready to build a simple bunkhouse for our guests in the Spring.  I even have a snow-plow for my truck!

So now we officially are residents of Wauconda, Washington.  We get our mail here.  When we get to town, my same cell phone works (509-994-5467).  If you call, I'll find out next time we go to town, and return your call.

I am in the midst of transitioning from being a "man of the Cloth" to dusting off my art supplies and becoming a "man of the canvas".  Most friends know that I have never really left my art work behind.  Now we hope to make a living by it.  I have a web page for my art work that is being developed.  You can watch it come together at and check me out.

Marty and I are still available to do a limited number of weekend speaking engagements, Divine Healing services, family camps, retreats, banquets, Royal Ranger things, or whatever your little heart desires.  We have the material to present "Harvest Workers Institute" or a teaching seminar on the subject of your choice.  Physically, I am feeling stronger then I have felt for several years.

My goal is to have a word of faith, hope, and encouragement in a fresh blog every week.  We'll call 'em "Fresh Mountain Breezes".  I trust they will be uplifting, and a blessing to your heart.

I you want to encourage us with a letter or an offering financially, contact us at:  P.O. Box 94, Wauconda, WA,  98859.

May God Bless you,
Dan Womack

One More Day . . .

It was early one morning in March, I mean middle-of-the-night early!  I was thinking and praying and wanting to make good use of my "one on one" time with my best friend and Lord.  The words "one more day" kept coming into my mind, so I started asking myself questions!!

So I asked myself, "One more day . . . to do what?  Start fresh?  Climb higher?  Get closer?  Change somthing?  Be better?  Do better?"  Oh, Yes!  It hit me!!! The "Be" in "Be Better" is about me being more like Jesus!  Before I can do any of these things I need to "Be" more like Jesus!

Join me on this "One More Day ". . . to "Be" more like Jesus.