Monday, March 29, 2010


November 23, 2014

Make yourself comfortable and wander around our website, as we introduce ourselves to you.

After 50 years of full-time ministry . . . traveling across the country in our tour bus for over 30 of those years, and pastoring here and there the rest of the time . . . We are now retired.  Sort of.  We sold our sound system, and parked the bus.

Over the past three of four years, our primitive mountain cabin has been torn down and rebuilt new.  The new version actually has a foundation, insulation, electricity, in-door plumbing, running hot and cold water, a shower, a washer and dryer, a refrigerator, and a flat-screen TV.  Hey . . . the old cabin had no insulation, no foundation, kerosene lamps, and an outhouse with a path!  We've actually got a great new woodshed, a new storage shed, and getting ready to build a simple bunkhouse for our guests in the Spring.  I even have a snow-plow for my truck!

So now we officially are residents of Wauconda, Washington.  We get our mail here.  When we get to town, my same cell phone works (509-994-5467).  If you call, I'll find out next time we go to town, and return your call.

I am in the midst of transitioning from being a "man of the Cloth" to dusting off my art supplies and becoming a "man of the canvas".  Most friends know that I have never really left my art work behind.  Now we hope to make a living by it.  I have a web page for my art work that is being developed.  You can watch it come together at and check me out.

Marty and I are still available to do a limited number of weekend speaking engagements, Divine Healing services, family camps, retreats, banquets, Royal Ranger things, or whatever your little heart desires.  We have the material to present "Harvest Workers Institute" or a teaching seminar on the subject of your choice.  Physically, I am feeling stronger then I have felt for several years.

My goal is to have a word of faith, hope, and encouragement in a fresh blog every week.  We'll call 'em "Fresh Mountain Breezes".  I trust they will be uplifting, and a blessing to your heart.

I you want to encourage us with a letter or an offering financially, contact us at:  P.O. Box 94, Wauconda, WA,  98859.

May God Bless you,
Dan Womack

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