Saturday, April 3, 2010

Memories of Easter . . .

Easter is a wonderful holiday.  When I was young, all of us kids loved seeing the new babies that Spring brings. We enjoyed all of the beautiful Spring flowers and blossoms on the many fruit trees, around the neighborhood and in our own yards.

I remember my new Easter outfit! It wasn’t just a new dress . . .  it included a hat or something special for my hair, gloves and purse, and of course, pretty new “Sunday School” shoes.

There were Easter Baskets full of that wonderful green grass and . . . oh yes . . . lots of candy and chocolate eggs nestled under and through the grass. And on top of all of that . . . a big chocolate bunny and some fuzzy little yellow chicks. And of course we always had marshmallow Peeps. Yummy.

Our family Easter egg hunt was always lots of fun. Our parents, aunts, and uncles would make us kids stay inside the house, while they hid the eggs! Then we would all be turned loose to find the eggs! It was great!

Of course, before all of the fun at Grandma’s house, we had all been to our Sunday School and Church services.

Then came dinner time! Big family dinners at Grandma’s house were always wonderful, with way more food than anyone could eat! Lots of family, lots of cousins. Did I say lots of food? And Grandma’s HOT CROSS BUNS!  We only had them on Easter. Big fluffy buns with a white frosting “cross” on top of each one of them, remembering the Cross where our Lord and Savior, Jesus, shed His precious blood for all the sin of the world.

But, more than that . . . He died for ME! Jesus loves ME! The pure, wonderful love that comes with forgiveness and grace . . . the LOVE that gives us HOPE for now and eternity. Join your heart, with mine, in thankfulness to Jesus, because He died for us on Calvary, and rose again on that beautiful Easter morning.

Thank you Jesus! You are the BEST!

1 comment:

Laury said...

Awesome memories, Marty.